Fallout 76 Light Machine Gun Mods

Fallout 76 appears to stow a lot of weapons, building on an extensive arsenal established in prior games. Here we explain its weapon systems, how crafting and mods work, and confirmed weapons so far.

Weapon customization returns in Fallout 76, and you can mod your weapons up with a variety of powerful configurations. These extra pieces are called “mods” — and installing them has changed slightly. Because of the perk card system, there’s no straightforward way to simply unlock new mod options when you’re customizing weapons. You’ll have to grab each mod separately, and you’ll do that naturally as you play — if you’re scrapping weapons.

It’s just that simple. To unlock mods, you just need to scrap weapons with the mods you want. You’ll earn lots of different mods by scrapping Pipe guns, but you can also get mods for Syringer Rifles that drain enemy strength, longer barrels for your shotgun to improve accuracy, or special receiver that change the firing rate on assault rifles. There are literally dozens of mods to unlock for some weapons, so I recommend grabbing everything you can, and scrapping everything you can.

  1. Farming weapons is very simple in Fallout 76 — you just need to reset mobs. To farm weapon mods, just find an area with enemies that carry the weapon you want to farm for weapon mods.
  2. Sub Machine Gun: 12: 91: 84: 48: 6.15: Ultracite Laser Pistol: 24: 50: 120: 70: 4: Voice of Set: 56: 6: 84: 67: 4.6. Let’s go ahead and take a look at all of the mod types in Fallout 76.

More Fallout 76 guides on Gameranx:

How To Unlock Weapon Mods | Gun Customization Guide

Mods are weapon customization features you can unlock to enhance your weapons at the crafting table. There are two ways to gain weapon mods. One of these methods requires a crafting table, and the other just gives you the option to apply a mod directly to a weapon.

NOTE: Each weapon mod is attached to a particular weapon — so you can’t remove a mode from one weapon, then place it on another.

Fallout 76 light machine gun mods 1.7.10Plans
  • How To Get Weapon Mods:
    • Scrap weapons with mods to learn the Weapon mod pattern. You can then craft the mod.
    • Purchase weapon mods from a vendor. You don’t have to craft these. Simply apply them.

Some weapon mods can only be crafted / installed with certain perks. You may need Chemist (1, 2 etc), Gunsmith (1, 2, etc), or other perks to unlock the ability to add a Weapon Mod.

How To Farm Weapon Mods


To get the best mods and build powerful weapons, you might need to farm weapons. Farming weapons is very simple in Fallout 76 — you just need to reset mobs.

  • To farm weapon mods, just find an area with enemies that carry the weapon you want to farm for weapon mods.
    • Mods are completely random. Kill enemies, then collect their weapons and scrap the guns to get mod crafting recipes.
    • After clearing an area of enemies, just log off and log back in to reset the enemy mob. You can also switch servers.

There are a couple places you can use to start your journey. The swamp southeast of Flatwoods is packed with Super-Mutants carrying Hunting Rifles. Bolton Greens is packed with Pipe Guns, and Blackwater Mine is a great place to farm for Pump-Action, Double-Barreled, or Combat Shotguns.

Fallout 76 Light Machine Gun Mods

One Gun Army is a Perk Card in Fallout 76. This Perk has 3 ranks with increasing cost in Luck.

To use this Perk Card your character has to be at least level 31.

This is rank 3:

One Gun Army
Heavy guns gain a 12% stagger chance and a 12% chance to cripple a limb.
★ ★ ★

All Ranks

The cost value defines how many points in Luck you need.

1Heavy guns gain a 4% stagger chance and a 4% chance to cripple a limb.1
2Heavy guns gain a 8% stagger chance and a 8% chance to cripple a limb.2
3Heavy guns gain a 12% stagger chance and a 12% chance to cripple a limb.3

Builds using 'One Gun Army'


Fallout 76 Light Machine Gun Mods 1.12.2


These builds are using 'One Gun Army' as a Perk Card:

Fallout 76 Machine Gun Plans

Build GuideS.P.E.C.I.A.L.VotesUpdatedAuthor
T-51 Power Armor w/ Ultracite Gatling Laser15/4/6/9/9/1/12+3 (100% positiv)2020-11-30 Sentinel76🗨️ 3
No VATS power armor heavy gunner12/3/7/6/14/3/11+10 (100% positiv)2020-09-19 Yorm🗨️ 11
T-51 Power Armor w/ Auto Grenade Launcher14/4/6/9/8/5/10+3 (100% positiv)2020-11-30 Sentinel76🗨️ 0
X-01 Power Armor w/ Gatling Plasma15/4/6/9/9/1/12+2 (100% positiv)2020-11-30 Sentinel76🗨️ 5
X-01 Power Armor w/ Bunker Buster14/4/6/9/8/5/10+2 (100% positiv)2020-11-30 Sentinel76🗨️ 0
Full Health Power Armor Heavy Gunner Tank Build12/3/7/3/9/11/11+2 (100% positiv)2020-05-14 Txorimalo🗨️ 0
Heavy Gunner Build15/3/5/4/10/5/14+2 (100% positiv)2020-04-03 YeeT47🗨️ 0
Stand In My Fire!~14/3/3/15/6/4/11+6 (100% positiv)2020-04-18 Nuptup🗨️ 1
Casual Bloodied Heavy Gunner15/3/4/3/14/6/11+2 (100% positiv)2020-08-06 OfficerGucci🗨️ 2
Power Gunner (Power Armour and Heavy Weapons Build)15/1/1/1/15/2/9+1 (100% positiv)2020-08-11 PumpkinThyme🗨️ 1
This is Heavy oof build12/4/5/1/15/8/11+1 (100% positiv)2020-04-21 JasonFromTinder🗨️ 0
T-51 Power Armor w/ Hellstorm Missile Launcher14/4/6/9/8/5/10+1 (100% positiv)2020-11-30 Sentinel76🗨️ 1
Power Armor Bloody Heavy Gunner Non-Explosive/Energy15/1/5/3/7/11/14+3 (100% positiv)2020-03-07 Gilgamesh19🗨️ 0
X-01 Power Armor Lone Heavy Gunner balanced build no VATS14/3/7/4/14/3/11+3 (100% positiv)2020-06-02 DepletedUranium🗨️ 0
T-60 Power Armor w/ (Friendly) Flamer15/4/4/9/9/6/9+1 (100% positiv)2020-11-19 Sentinel76🗨️ 0
Preacher94: Heavy Gun & Damage Build15/6/2/6/7/8/12+1 (100% positiv)2020-05-05 Preacher94🗨️ 0
The Heavy (Power Armor and naked version!)9/3/1/4/15/9/15+3 (100% positiv)2020-01-13 Revvy🗨️ 0
Junkie's Heavy Gunner Build-with PA-15/1/7/7/8/7/11+1 (100% positiv)2020-02-13 NOCTURNUS🗨️ 0
BadLuckBink's Heavy Gunner PA12/3/9/9/6/3/14+2 (100% positiv)2020-05-19 BadLuckBinks🗨️ 0
build FR :armure assisté et laser Gatling15/6/5/5/14/5/6+1 (100% positiv)2020-07-03User65934🗨️ 0