Bd Facsdiva Software Free Free Software

  1. Facsdiva Software Download
  2. Bd Facsdiva Software

BD Biosciences brand of digital flow cytometers, including the FACSCanto, the LSR-II, FACSAria and Fortessa, utilize a software acquisition program known as FACSDiva.

Diva is aptly named as it can be a difficult program to master.

However, Diva has come along way over the past 10 years and many improvements have been made to help end-user.

Taking time to learn these changes will improve the reproducibility of your data, the chances of your data getting published, and your overall experience on the cytometer.

  1. BD FACSDiva software is a flexible data acquisition and analysis package specifically designed for digital-based flow cytometers. The software uses flexible features to simplify acquisition, including Experiment templates, user-definable experiment layouts, and automated compensation calculation.
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Features of FlowJo 10 Free Download. Below are some amazing features you can experience after installation of FlowJo 10 Free Download please keep in mind features may vary and totally depends if your system supports them. Single solution for flow analysis. Compatible with all data files from all acquisition software packages and cytometers.

These changes will also save you time. Here are 8 time-saving FACSDiva tips to use the during your next flow experiment:

1. Compensation doesn’t require the ‘universal negative.’

It is important to remember that the background of the positive and negatives should be matched. The use of a universal negative will cause problems in compensation, especially if cells and beads are used for generating the compensation matrix.

In Diva, you can unselect the ‘use a separate tube for negative control’ when you’re setting up compensation. This will allocate the placement of a P3 gate on the single-stained histograms. Diva will then use the P3 gate as the negative population when calculating compensation.

2. Make multiple matrices.

In the case where several different antigens are being measured in the same channel, especially where the label is a tandem dye, it is critical to have a different compensation matrix for each tandem combination.

In Diva, when you create a compensation matrix, you can add additional columns of the channel in question, and label each one with the appropriate antigen name. Then, after collecting the controls and performing compensation, when you are finally collecting your samples, make sure each one is labeled with the same name. This will ensure that the proper compensation matrix is applied to each sample.

3. Collect more events.

When calculating compensation, don’t let the default of 5,000 events be your guide. When using compensation particles, 10,000-20,000 events is better. When using cells, 30,000-50,000 is better. A simple change in your DIVA layout can ensure that sufficient events are collected.

4. Create keywords.

Annotation of the data with keywords will help in finding data weeks and months after the experiments are run. Keywords are also useful when performing analysis in third party software for grouping and batch analysis. If you don’t know how to add keywords to your experiment, you are wasting valuable time that will affect your ability to reproduce and publish your data. Learn how to create keywords here.

5. Keep the Diva database clean.

Diva is based in Java, and the database size can have a negative impact on the speed of the software. It’s best to keep the data base seize well under 15 gigabytes. This means you need to export your experiments on a regular basis. It also means you need to back up your database before making major changes to your computer or the software program itself.

6. Limit the size of your data files.

With the ability to measure a million events in a few minutes, and with the occasional need to look at rare events, it is important to remember the size of file should be kept to a minimum.

The best practice is to collect three or four 1-2 million event files versus, for example, one 10 million event file. The data can later be joined (concatenated) in third party software platforms. But, during acquisition, to keep processing times reasonable, don’t let the file size get to big.

Bd Facsdiva Software Free Free Software

7. Read the Cytometer Setup & Tracking (CS&T) baseline report.

This report, which Diva provides, is full of useful information. The report includes suggestions for starting voltages, PMT dynamic ranges, and more.

When setting up a new experiment review these settings, especially the linear dynamic range of the PMTs. If your signals are outside of this range, then any compensation you apply to your cells will not be correct.

8. Use application specific settings.

When performing longitudinal studies, it’s essential that you maintain the optimal voltage of the instrument. This will ensure that any differences discovered will be the result of the biology of your cells, not the settings of your instrument.

Application specific settings should be finalized when the experiment is started. These settings are linked to the daily CS&T reports and, if the settings are correct, the software will make the appropriate adjustments in response to any instrument changes.

to set up the software for your use. This guide shows a workflow that uses application settings. BD FACSDiva Software Quick Reference Guide for the BD LSR II. Compensation Controls in the BD FACSDiva Software Reference Manual. • Default templates are now provided for certain instrument functions. If you are the first user of the day: Boot up the computer and log on to Windows. Wait 10 seconds, then Open the BD FACSDiva software and log on. Allow the.

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Figure 4 Adjusting for PE spectral overlap 7 Proceed with adjustments for the next tube. This section describes how to create publication-ready plots and export or copy them. For Audit System In either case, the setup catalog appears where you select a setup to apply: For example, if you were performing an immunophenotyping experiment and wanted to collect data only for the lymphocytes, you could direct the software vd collect 10, T-cell events for the stopping gate and record only events in the Lymphocyte storage gate.


Each sale of a stored unit of this software grants the purchaser a nontransferable, sortware, personal license. Two types of worksheets can be shown in the Worksheet window: The gate boundary is resized proportionally according to the original shape. A setup contains parameter and label information, threshold and PMT voltages for each parameter, and calculated spectral overlap values in the form of an MFI table.

For information about cytometer-specific components, refer to your cytometer manual. For a full description of workspace components, see Chapter 2. Folders are listed before experiments in the order they are created.

This chapter contains information about instrument softaare acquisition controls that are common to all instruments.

This software is the property of Becton, Dickinson and Company. No parts of this work may be reproduced in any reffrence or by any means – graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including.


See Adding or Modifying a Password on page Those without administrative access can only view their own experiments and any experiments that have been designated as shared. Tools manuwl Data Analysis Referencee the Worksheet Inspector Use the Worksheet Inspector to name a worksheet or global worksheet, increase the number of pages in the worksheet, and hide or show page breaks and page numbers.

The P5 gate label is marked with two vertical bars, indicating that it is the population for which scaling is in effect.

Keywords can also be saved with tube data. Each panel will be imported as a single specimen. The Browser lists only experiments with that name, along with faczdiva currently open experiment. See Acquisition Dashboard on page By default, the D: It takes approximately 5 minutes to fully boot up the cytometer electronics.

Facsdiva Software Download

The icon turns green and the tube becomes the Active Tube in the Acquisition Dashboard.

BD FACSDiva Software Reference Manual |

Experiment- and specimen-level keywords are also saved with tubes. To make this website work, we log user data and share it with processors.

The plot s scales adjust to fit the P5 population: Empty the waste or replace fluid containers, if needed. Reproduction, adaptation, or translation without prior written. When the cursor changes to a double-headed arrow, drag the border. Enter a name, and click OK to dismiss the dialog box.

Getting Started with BD FACSDiva Software

Getting Started with Refernce 6 Version 6. These fields cannot be changed. Experiments can be private or shared, and can be exported with data for archival purposes or exported without data for use as a template. If you commonly use one PMT detector to measure multiple parameters, you can list all possible parameters in the Instrument Configuration dialog box and choose the appropriate fluorochrome for your experiment in the Parameters tab.

Select the Edit Diva Setups checkbox to allow a user access to modify the setups saved in the Setup Catalog. To use this website, you must agree to our Privacy Policyincluding cookie policy. Ratios can be used for sorting just like any other parameter.

Select a tube, select the button, and then click in the worksheet to create a plot of a default size. Data from adjacent bins are added to condense higher resolution data more bins into the chosen number of bins.

BD FACSCanto II Quick Reference Manual

About This Guide 7. Click the New Specimen icon. The bold text at the top of the dialog tells you what to do at each screen. When performing a batch analysis with biexponential scales, start by setting the current tube pointer to the tube with the negative range that best meets your laboratory s criteria.

Bd Facsdiva Software

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