Post some pics when you get a chance. Teach them the truth, and let them sort thru the cobwebs of liberalism that have infested their minds. Every time I handle one I get.this. Those early to mid 90’s stainless Smiths are some of the best guns made. The Model 66 differed by its use of and its smooth target-type trigger.
Together they designed and built what was and still is considered the Goldilocks gun for conceal carry (for the time). You had to buy a stock Model 59 and then send it off to get the work done. Results filtered by . The only time I've ever seen any that large are guns that have been refinished, as they polish the side plate and the rest of the gun separately, so the gap gets larger. The .357 Magnum is the oldest 'magnum' handgun cartridge. It could be an imitation.
The revolver looks to be in quite good shape.
The Tyler T-Grip is most likely an actual T-grip. It also has info regarding s/n, grips, boxes and variations.
On the Sigma series and the SW99 models, you will find the serial number in the locations shown in the pictures below. Sitewide Site Map Directory showing all pages on this website. By the way, it looks like someone has been into that 6'. Welcome, you have a nice S&w for your first gun. The Model 19 is chambered for .357 Magnum. I own a model 13 on a K frame and it has seen several thousand.357s shot through it over the years with no issues. Below you will find some visual examples of where to look for the serial number on your S&W handgun. Some serial numbers are located underneath the frame in front of the trigger guard.
It belonged to my dad, I inherited it.I remember shooting plenty of 158 grain JSP American Eagle ammo outta it on shooting trips. Also, looking at your serial number post mine has 44k5xxx.I looked a long time didn't see a 44 prefix. The Smith & Wesson company was formed in 1852, in Norwich, Connecticut. Main site home page. The company's first offering was a lever-action repeating pistol. I'm not saying that's been repolished and refinished (although that is what it looks like), but it surely appears that sideplate has been removed. Also, looking at your serial number post mine has 44k5xxx.I looked a long time didn't see a 44 prefix. Now here she is with the ringer grip extension(that was FREE). From the info I got, the guy who bought it new put a box of ammo thru it. I had a nickel plated Model 39 that I bought at a fire sale price that was as reliable as any Glock I’ve ever owned and I still regret selling it even though I doubled my money. The 44k5 serial falls in between the range of 25K001 – 56K9,999.1978 – 79. Me feeling is that these were guns that S&W had in stock for agency purchases, like the NYPD, before the agencies discontinued them. Makes them more desirable, If you take that deal you should be hunted down and charged with grand theft.
Third generation Smiths are, in my opinion, one of the finest series of American craftsmanship ever assembled.
Some say they have fired thousands with no ill effects and others say a few hundred will loosen things up a bit.
It makes me sick to my stomach to this day that I sold it years ago. (1992): Blue finish only is catalogued.
The Smith & Wesson Model Model 19 is a revolver produced by Smith & Wesson that was introduced in 1957 on its K-frame. A look at the S&W 22A pistol. The red ramp front sight is factory. Another issue is forcing cones and top straps being cut into with the high pressure 125 JHPs. And I will look into the book too. Look at the original wood grips. First, Let me say Hello. The only other pistol of similar unreliability I’ve ever owned was the Action Arms AT-84, which I bought because I wanted a CZ-75, and I foolishly thought that anything with “Solothurn” on the side would have to be reliable and accurate. They came out with the Model 469 and 669. I think for most owners of these pistols, a detailed strip/reassembly is probably too challenging for most owners. Winchester introduced the .357 Magnum, which was dimensionally identical to the .38 Special except for a .125 inch longer case, and the first revolvers (referred to as '.357 Magnum Models') were completed by S&W on April 8, 1935. The Model 66 was produced from 1970 until 2005. There’s a reason that despite starting with a stellar reputation and huge advantage in the LE market, S&W was never a serious contender when LE duty weapons transitioned from revolver to semi-auto. On her 19-4, the number labeled #1 in my photo looks a lot like the serial number on the butt plate of my 19-3. That looks a lot better. Change rear sight leaf, drill and tap frame, introduce Uncle Mike's grips, change extractor. But they do work, and they work well.
Smith and Wesson Serial Number Date of Manufacture J Frame Revolver Lookup For models 36, 37, 38, 49, 50 and pre model number versions. Here are some picks of it. It has all wood grips, so no numbers on the bottom. The only other common maker was Pachmayr, and theirs were smooth. They’re in the business to make money, and in the 1980s, business was good. As a company they never suffered from the “Not Invented Here” syndrome. 66 (1971): Stamping of each model. Also, my crane is stamped with a five digit number and above that in slightly larger size is stamped A6. Anyway, I'm glad you posted with pics. Most of those Cabela’s guns are NIB and have a MFG date of 1999 on them. hello. The internet says 1967 but can I write S&W and ask for more info on it or will I have to pay them for the info.
[2], The Model 19 was produced from 1957 (first model number stampings) to November 1999. New yoke retention system; radius stud package; floating hand; hammer nose bushing. It was last printed in 2006, but is the most complete source of information on guns S&W made from the beginning of their company to 2006. First pistol I bought for myself was a S&W 559.
Please confirm that the SN's are from the bottom of the butt frame. You can then use the serial number to find out the Smith & Wesson date manufactured for your particular gun. There should be a letter prefix before the numbers. That said, the Model 59 was a fantastic pistol for it’s day and is still a good choice with modern ammo. 66-3 (1986): New yoke retention system/radius stud package/hammer nose bushing/floating hand. Firearms writer and experimenter Philip Sharpe is credited for its development during the 1930s when police agencies were asking for a more powerful round. LEO’s and LE agencies were loyal S&W customers and wanted nothing more than for S&W semi-autos to be as reliable and flawless as the S&W revolvers that had served them so well over the previous decades; but they weren’t while Beretta, Sig, and especially Glock were; and the rest as they say is history. That gun went in on a Glock 19, which I still own.
Smith and Wesson model SW40VE. In 1967 they relocated the rear sight spring, 1968 they did away with the diamond. A compact double-stack 9mm that can, in a pinch, be used as a primary combat service weapon that’s still light and compact enough to be easily concealed. 19-8 (1998): Change in frame design: cylinder stop stud eliminated; eliminate serrated tangs; change to MIM hammer with floating firing pin; change internal lockwork, September 1998. The market just didn’t have a high-capacity 9mm that was compact, lightweight and comfortable enough to carry concealed.
If you open the cylinder and look at the crane, you should see something like 19-x or maybe just 19. The x referes to the revision. For those Smith Wesson with serial numbers, see the pictures below to find where to look. New yoke retention system/radius stud package/hammer nose bushing/floating hand. Elmer Keith, a well known author and wildcatter at the time, was experimenting with hand loading.38 Special ammunition beyond their original specifications, taking advantage of the newer and better designed firearm frames and metallurgy, and also played a major role in the development of the.357 Magnum. I need some help in identifying the approximate manufacturing date of a.357 Model 19-3. [5] This led to the enactment of Firearms (Amendment) Act 1997 and Firearms (Amendment) (No. You can get a digital version from if the printed version proves elusive for you. I bought it used from another officer who was “upgrading” to a 4506 back in the heyday of the Gen 3 models. ): Two piece barrel and internal lock,. CONTACT US / PRIVACY POLICY, Smith and Wesson Sigma SW40VE Pistol Review.
The numbers in the Smith & Wesson serial numbers are random numbers. These older guns will take a little more effort to find out their history. 66-1 (1977): Changed the gas ring from the yoke to the cylinder. After a year of experimentation with improved-strength steels and special heat-treating processes, the result was the.357 Combat Magnum (later designated Model 19), with the first serial-number gun (K260,000) presented to Jordan on November 15, 1955. Come for the info, stay and make some friends. Oh Sorry, his isn't my first gun,just my first Smith. The experience I had with that gun soured me on anything S&W forever after. If you own a Smith and Wesson handgun, you might be interested in finding out some more information on your particular gun. As of March 2011, Smith & Wesson offers approximately 110 different pistols of varied designs and features.
Site Functions. 66-6 (2002): Introduced internal lock. Foolishly I sold it like a decade ago, ironically when I bought G19, not realizing just what a gem of a gun I had. I have a Model 66 of similar vintage, and it has the red ramp front. Every once in a while you can find a new old stock S$W 5646 at Cabela’s. However, if i had to do it over again, I'd get the read ramp, white outline. So what does my 19-4 mean? Engineering changes were designated with a 'dash-' number after the model number. Its my first S&W and was wondering what yall think. The.357 Magnum, 2.5” barreled model was standard issue to Special Agents of the former U.S. As well as Patrol Agents of the U.S. If you open the cylinder and look at the crane, you should see something like 19-x or maybe just 19. There is some dispute regarding the dates on some serial numbers. The red ramp either came standard or was a popular option on Model 19s and 586s back in the 70s and 80s. Later on they discontinued the pined barrel and recessed cyclinders. There are a lot of folks here a lot smarter than me when it comes to SWs, and fire arms in general, and they are always happy to answer questions and give advice. The .357 Magnum, four-inch barreled model was standard issue to uniformed officers of the former U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service as well as Patrol Agents of the U.S. Border Patrol until both agencies adopted .40 caliber semi-automatic pistols. Man, all these years i thought that -x was barrel length. Lock up is still tight too. A serial number of AUN3343 would indicate a 1987 (I would guess May/June) time frame.
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Your serial number was used by Smith and Wesson for the models 10,12,13,45,64,65,547.It dates this serial number to the year 1979. Your serial number dates your Smith and Wesson model 59 to.
- Dating a Smith & Wesson Revolver: This list is merely a general guide and not meant to be exact. There is some dispute regarding the dates on some serial numbers. Your gun may actually be a year off from what is listed. The precise shipping date as 'lettered' can be several years off depending on model.
- Dating a Smith & Wesson Revolver: This list is merely a general guide and not meant to be exact. There is some dispute regarding the dates on some serial numbers. Your gun may actually be a year off from what is listed. The precise shipping date as 'lettered' can be several years off depending on model.
- However, S&W made 927 steel frame Model 39s in the mid 1950s. They didn't assemble or sell any of these until 1966 plus the steel frame Model 39s fall into three different serial number ranges. That is why Smith & Wesson collectors 'never say never' when asked if S&W ever made a certain configuration or variation.
Smith & Wesson Model 59 | |
Type | Semi-automatic pistol |
Place of origin | United States |
Service history | |
Used by | United States |
Production history | |
Manufacturer | Smith & Wesson |
Produced | 1971[1][2]–1982 |
Specifications | |
Mass | 30 oz / 1.84 lb (0.840 kg) |
Length | 7.55 in (192 mm) |
Barrel length | 4 in (102 mm) |
Cartridge | 9×19mm Parabellum |
Action | DA/SA |
Rate of fire | Semi-automatic |
Feed system | 14-round double column, detachable box magazine (20-round factory magazines were available) |
Sights | fixed iron sights, optional adjustable |


The Smith & Wesson Model 59 is a double-actionpistol produced from 1971 to 1981. It was developed by Smith & Wesson from the earlier Smith & Wesson Model 39 by adapting a 14-round capacity stagger-stack magazine.

History and users[edit]

It was designed for the U.S. Navy as a large-capacity version of the S&W Model 39, the basis of their Mark 22 'Mark 22 Hush Puppy' suppressed pistol. In 1965, the U.S. Navy commissioned a version of the S&W Model 39 that could take the 13-round magazine of the Browning Hi-Power. In early 1970, a dozen experimental all-stainless-steel prototypes were made and were issued to Navy SEAL commandos for evaluation in the field. The firearm was not adopted.
The Model 59 went on the market in 1971.[1][2] It went out of production a decade later in 1982 when the improved second generation series was introduced (the Model 459).
The Model 59 was manufactured in 9×19mm Parabellum caliber with a wider anodized aluminum frame, a straight backstrap, a magazine disconnect (the pistol will not fire unless a magazine is in place), and a blued carbon steel slide that carries the manual safety. The grip is of three pieces made of two nylon plastic panels joined by a metal backstrap. It uses a magazine release located to the rear of the trigger guard, similar to the M1911A1.
The magazine for the Model 59 is similar to that of the Browning Hi-Power. Initially introduced with a capacity of 14 rounds, this was later increased to 15 rounds for future variants. Smith & Wesson also made an extended, 20-round version. Many firearms have been introduced to use this pattern of magazine including the Marlin Camp Carbine as well as the Kel-Tec P11, Sub9, and Sub2000.
Smith And Wesson Serial Lookup
Model 459[edit]
The Smith & Wesson Model 459 was an updated version of the Model 59 with adjustable sights and checkered nylon grips. This model was discontinued in 1988. 803 units were produced in a brush finish with special grips made to FBI specifications.
See also[edit]
Smith And Wesson Model 59 Serial Numbers
S&w Model 59 Field Strip
- ^ abTrzoniec, Stanley W. (1981). Modern American Centerfire Handguns. Tulsa, Okla.: Winchester Press. p. 49. ISBN0876913419. OCLC7572377.
- ^ abHartink, A. E. (2002). The Complete Encyclopedia of Pistols and Revolvers (first ed.). Edison, N.J.: Chartwell Books. p. 279. ISBN9780785815198. OCLC51024327.