Used Ultimate Colloidal Silver Manual

6.Load the JW–Colloidal Silver Generation and ensure “Allow Channel Overwrites”is selected. 7.Enter the calculated duration (minutes) from step 3 into the Dwell Multiplier field. 8.Choose the Colloidal Silver waveform. 9.Select a channel and run the program. 6.Load the JW–Colloidal Silver Generation and ensure “Allow Channel Overwrites”is selected. 7.Enter the calculated duration (minutes) from step 3 into the Dwell Multiplier field. 8.Choose the Colloidal Silver waveform. 9.Select a channel and run the program.

  1. Colloidal Silver Uses
  2. Used Ultimate Colloidal Silver Manual Juicer
  3. Used Ultimate Colloidal Silver Manual Steve Barwick

Some of you may well have known about colloidal silver previously, and some may have even worked with it. Others may have heard of it, however, have no clue what the term really means and how it functions.

Things being what they are, silver colloids are especially valuable mixtures which are generally utilized in laboratories all around the globe.

Silver has the properties of disinfectant and antibiotic

While silver has been utilized for quite a long time to refine water, present-day ionization innovation was created by the National Aeronautic and Space Administration (NASA) at the beginning of the space program as a lightweight technique for sanitizing reused water on shuttles.

In the United States and Canada, about more than 100 hospitals have introduced silver-based water sanitizing frameworks to kill Legionnaire’s disease which is a fatal microscopic organism that taints hot water channels and underground storage tanks in huge buildings.

Used Ultimate Colloidal Silver Manual

Anti-microbial protection is rapidly turning into a nightmare for public health. Conventional anti-infection agents keep on losing their capacity to execute certain strains of microorganisms.

To date, about each infection causing living being known has turned out to be impervious to at least one antibiotic, and a few are insusceptible to more than one.

Researchers have known since the beginning of the anti-infection age that the more an anti-infection is utilized, the speedier it has a tendency to be pointless because of bacterial resistance.

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Mode of action of colloidal silver

Silver has dependably been a standout amongst the most general substances which are antibiotics. At the point when controlled in the colloidal shape, it is non-poisonous.

Similarly, as we would die in a couple of minutes if our lungs were all of a sudden weakened, a microorganism can’t live without effective respiration. All the more imperatively, colloidal silver does not harm human catalysts or modify the body’s science.

Colloidal silver is an intense, normal disinfectant and an antibiotic. When it comes close to a one-celled microorganism, it hinders the metabolic enzyme activity in the cell which is fundamental for the production of energy.

Germs can’t fabricate a protection from the activity of silver. There are no known creatures that can totally withstand the effect of silver.

RELATED:Argyria- A rare disease that turns your skin Blue

The detailed mechanism of action of colloidal silver as an antibiotic

The ultimate colloidal silver manual

Richard Davies and Samuel Etris of The Silver Institute, in a 1996 monograph titled “The Development and Functions of Silver in Water Purification and Disease Control”, talked about three systems of deactivation that silver uses to cripple infection-causing organisms. They are:

  • Catalytic oxidation
  • Reaction with the cell membranes of the bacteria and
  • Binding with DNA of pathogen.
  • Catalytic oxidation

In its atomic state, silver has the ability to assimilate oxygen and go about as the catalyst to promote oxidation.

Nascent oxygen (an atomic form of oxygen) assimilated onto the surface of silver particles in the solution will promptly respond with the sulfhydryl (- S-H) bunches encompassing the surface of microorganisms or infections to expel the hydrogen iotas or atoms (as water), making the sulfur molecules frame the R-S-S-R bond.

Consequently, it blocks breathing (respiration) and making the microscopic organisms to die. Utilizing a straightforward oxidation or reduction reaction, colloidal silver will respond with any negative charge introduced by the membrane proteins of the creature and deactivate them.

  • Reaction with the cell membranes of the bacteria

One clarification depends on the nature of the construction of enzyme: Specific catalysts/enzymes are required for a given biochemical action to happen.

Particles of enzymes, as a rule, require a particular metallic iota as a major aspect of the molecular medium keeping in mind the end goal to work.

To prevent the normal functioning of enzymes, a metal of higher valance can supplant a metal of lower valance in the enzyme complex. Silver, with a valance of +2, can supplant numerous metals with a lower, or equivalent valance that shows weaker properties of the atomic binding.

Binding with DNA of pathogen

Researches by with Pseudomonas aeruginosa, an inflexible bacteria that is hard to treat, exhibited that as much as 12% of silver is taken up by the DNA of the bacteria.

While it stays vague precisely how the silver ties to the DNA without crushing the hydrogen bonds holding the lattice together, it, in any case, averts the unwinding of DNA, a basic step for cell replication to happen.

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Colloidal Silver Uses

Early uses of colloidal silver

  • Man’s utilization of silver as a disinfectant goes back to the most primitive recorded history. The Greeks and others utilized silver vessels for water and different fluids to preserve their freshness.
  • In this times of Egyptians, colloidal silver was used as a thin beaten paper-like item and wrapped it around wounds to prevent contaminations.
  • Colloidal silver was also used in the era of the Druids. They used to line their vessels of drinking with the silver in order to sanitize and disinfect water.
  • It was witnessed that the people in ancient times who ate from silver utensils rarely got sick and had a very few couples of diseases.

This information passed on to lords, sultans, emperors and their families and individuals from their regal courts. They ate from plates of silver, drank from silver mugs, utilized silver utensils and put away their sustenance in the containers of the silver.

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Some common uses and benefits of colloidal silver in modern times

Silver has been ended up being helpful against several irresistible conditions. The list of certain minor and severe conditions that can be settled utilizing colloidal silver is for all intents and purposes unending. Moreover, it does not interact with any medicine.

  • Colloidal silver is the second immune system if use it on regular basis. It would altogether diminish the rate of contamination.
  • The capacity to utilize colloidal silver securely and regularly could be a powerful preventive step for health to upgrade the lives of a large number of individuals who are prone to chronic contaminations.
  • Spray of colloidal silver specifically on rotting or bad injuries, skin rashes, and psoriasis for effective results. Rinsing your mouth with it will give you relief from terrible breath.
  • Soak dentures in the solution of colloidal silver to remain it free from bacteria and bacterial contamination.
  • Put colloidal silver in a pump and shower it around kitchen and washroom. Also, spray it on cutting boards, moist ledges, wipes, and towels to take out microbes and the diseases and malodors they bring.
  • Splash leafy foods before refrigerating and add to milk to impede the spoiling.
  • Add to dishwater and add a capful to a gallon of water and utilize it as plant splash to dispense with the undesirable organism and microorganisms causing root spoil, and so on. Add it to water-based paints and never stress over about molds and build up again.
  • Colloidal silver systems are chlorine free which also increases its value not exclusively to the individuals who are hypersensitive to chlorine yet in addition to the physically disabled who require extensive therapeutic submersion in water.

The Importance of Safe Colloidal Silver

Why is it important to make sure your colloidal silver is safe? Well, when you’re putting anything into your body, don’t you usually want to be sure that it’s not going to harm you? Or, don’t you want to know what the are risks you’re taking by consuming it?

When you go to your doctor for a prescription, before actually writing out the prescription the doctor usually gives you a laundry list of potential side effects from the drug. Even commercials on TV for various over-the-counter remedies include the potential side effects in the last few seconds.

So, of course, you want to know that your colloidal silver is safe, what the risks are, and what steps you can take to make sure that it is going to be as safe as possible for you.

What is Safe Colloidal Silver

So, what is safe colloidal silver?

Well, safe colloidal silver has to be made with pure (99.999) silver rods and pure steam distilled water in a sterile vessel. Those are the first steps to ensuring your colloidal silver is safe. When you make it at home, it’s a lot easier to regulate those factors than if you’re trusting the label of a bottle.

Pure steam distilled water is important because there can be absolutely no chance of any particles in water.[1] When there are particles in the water already, the particle size of the silver colloid is increased. There are people out there who recommend using a saline solution (or a similar additive) with your distilled water, which only works to speed up the production time. We do not recommend this as it also increases the particle size.

As you’re probably starting to intuit, particle size is essential for safe colloidal silver. The smaller the particles, the further your risk is reduced.

Why is Safe Colloidal Silver Important

It should be reasonably obvious that safe colloidal silver is important in order to reduce the risk of side effects. The only reported side effects of using colloidal silver are the Herxheimer’s effect (where too many good bacteria die off with the bad bacteria causing flu like symptoms) and Argyria. We will go into both of those in further detail later on.

Argyria is a purely cosmetic side effect, but it can be quite startling. It happens when silver particles get trapped under the skin, and with gradual exposure to light, change colour and cause skin colour to permanently change.[2] It’s like having a photo developed under your skin.

Most people who have Argyria turn grey-ish blue, although there are photos of one man in particular who turned quite a bright blue.

The potential for particles to stay under the skin is clearly related to the size of the silver particles. Therefore, as you can obviously see, the smaller the particle size, the better.

It is VERY important to note that, in all reported cases of Argyria resulting from colloidal silver use, the colloidal silver used was not safe colloidal silver. People admit to using plain tap water or adding additives to the water when brewing their colloidal silver; people also admit to drinking much higher amounts than recommended, and consuming high or unknown ppm solutions.

It is also important to note that no cases of Argyria have been reported from people using colloidal silver topically, although localized cased of Argyria have been known to occur.

What to Look for in Safe Colloidal Silver

If you’re buying or making colloidal silver, its appearance can give a good indication of its safety. High quality, low ppm colloidal silver should be crystal clear in colour and only carry a slight metallic taste. It can be hard to distinguish from regular water.

Higher ppm solutions of colloidal silver, like a 10 ppm or higher solution, are often more yellowish in colour and have a stronger silver taste.

NEVER use colloidal silver if it is darker than light yellow in colour, and absolutely never use colloidal silver if you can see any particles in it, or particles clinging to the silver rods.

If you are buying colloidal silver, make sure that it has no additives. Sometimes producers will add different ingredients in an attempt to help lengthen the shelf life. You should never drink colloidal silver that contains anything other than pure silver and steam distilled water.

How to Reduce the Risk of Unsafe Colloidal Silver: Consuming

One of the easiest ways to make sure you’re using colloidal silver safely is simply to use it in moderation. This way, even if you’re not always drinking the best quality colloidal silver, your risks are still absolutely minimal.

If you’re a regular colloidal silver user, drink small quantities of low ppm solutions and your risks are virtually eliminated.

Even if you only use colloidal silver occasionally, still only use a low ppm solution and only drink as much as you need to start feeling its effect when you’re fighting off an infection or cold.

The United States Environmental Protection Agency Office of Water and Health Advisories has determined that “a concentration of silver in water of 100 ug/L or 0.1 mg/L is considered protective of the cosmetic effect of silver (Argyria) for the general population.”[3] That is a higher concentration than is what is found in 3-5 ppm colloidal silver solutions, but we still would not recommend consuming that much silver daily.

How to Reduce the Risk of Unsafe Colloidal Silver: Manufacturing

If you’re making your own colloidal silver, it is very easy to reduce the risks of making unsafe colloidal silver.

First – always use pure steam distilled water and always use pure silver rods.[4]

Always make sure that the container in which you’re making the colloidal silver, and the silver rods are also disinfected and clean.

Never add anything to the distilled water when you’re brewing – no matter how tempted you are to speed up the process.

Brew your colloidal silver at a low voltage on a low amp current. This also keeps you safe from any potential electrical mishaps, but helps to make sure that the particles coming off the rods are as small as possible and stably ionized.[5]

How to Reduce the Risk of Unsafe Colloidal Silver: Buying

When you buy colloidal silver, it is a bit harder to determine its safety. The first step is to make sure you’re buying a low ppm solution that has absolutely no additives.

Try to determine how long the colloidal silver has been sitting on the shelf. Colloidal silver only has a shelf life of about 6 months before the ionization starts to wear off and the particles lose suspension. If it looks as if the colloidal silver has been sitting around for a while, you’re probably better off avoiding it. If it is covered in dust, maybe you shouldn’t be buying it.

Colloidal silver is sensitive to light; make sure that, if you’re buying it in a glass jar, the glass is darkly coloured. If you’re buying it in a plastic bottle, make sure that the plastic is a HPDE food-grade quality plastic and is not transparent. We do not recommend storing your colloidal silver in plastic (unless you’re using a food grade quality plastic), as it is more porous than glass may allow for potential contamination.[6]

How to Reduce the Risk of Unsafe Colloidal Silver: Storage

If you’ve made a batch of colloidal silver and want to set it aside for later use, how you store your colloidal silver can also affect its safety.

You should store you colloidal silver in a dark glass bottle, and keep it in a dark, secure place. Colloidal silver is light sensitive so if you plan on storing it even for a few weeks, it is best to keep it away from light exposure.

Glass is preferable to plastic storage containers because it is less porous and thus, once disinfected, less susceptible to contaminating the colloidal silver if it is being stored for long periods of time.

You should also never refrigerate your colloidal silver. Mark Metcalf explains, “As the colloid becomes colder the movement of the particles will slow down and fall out of solution.”[7] He also cautions against storing your colloidal silver near speaker cabinets or other magnetic fields.[8]


As you can see, safe colloidal silver is extremely important to minimize risk and to keep you healthy and your normal colour.

Never use colloidal silver if it is any darker than a light yellow, or if you can see any particles in it. Make sure that you’re making it with pure silver rods and distilled water in a clean environment. Store it in dark glass bottles away from the light, and use it within 6 months. If you’re buying it, try to buy as fresh a product as you can discern.

And, perhaps the most important and easiest way to make sure that your colloidal silver is safe is to consume low ppm solutions in moderation.

If you follow these tips, you should be totally safe from any potential side effects like Argyria.


This information has not been evaluated by any official agency. The content of this website is intended for information only and is not intended to be used as medical advice. For medical advice, please consult a medical professional.

We are not doctors and are not prescribing colloidal silver to you for any use. Please consult a medical professional before consuming colloidal silver, or to find out what dose or ppm solution is right for you.

The author and publisher of this information disclaims responsibility or liability for any hardship or loss that may be incurred as a result of the use or application of this information.

Information that is referenced is believed to be from reliable sources, but no guarantee can be made regarding the accuracy of sources.


Barwick, Steve. The Ultimate Colloidal Silver Manual: Introducing the Powerful Natural Antibiotic They Want to Take Away from You. Life and Health Research Group, 2009.

Hill, John. Colloidal Silver: Medical Uses, Toxicology & Manufacture. 3rd ed. Clear Springs Press, 2009.

Lansdown, Alan B. Silver in Healthcare: Its Antimicrobial Efficacy and Safety in Use. RCS Publishing, 2010.

Metcalf, Mark. Colloidal Silver: Making the Safest and Most Powerful Medicine on Earth for the Price of Water. Silver Protects, 2001.

Peterson, Marc. Alternative Colloidal Production Health Guide. 2009.

United States Environmental Protection Agency Office of Water Health Advisories, Health Advisories for Drinking Water Contaminants. Lewis Publishers, 1993.

[1] Marc Peterson, amongst others, notes that distilled water is the only water that is absolutely free of particulate matter, bacteria, and viruses which can be found in deionised water, tap water, bottled water, etc.

Used Ultimate Colloidal Silver Manual Juicer

[2] Alan Lansdown, Steve Barwick, Mark Metcalf and John Hill are among authors who have extensive chapters and information on Argyria in their books.

[3] United States Environmental Protection Agency Office of Water Health Advisories, Health Advisories for Drinking Water Contaminants, 230.

[4] Steve Barwick addresses the dangers of using sterling silver in The Ultimate Colloidal Silver Manual. Sterling silver contains nickel, which is toxic for humans.

[5] Marc Peterson has extensive information about safety regarding electrical and other hazards of colloidal silver production in Alternate Colloidal Production Health Guide.

Used Ultimate Colloidal Silver Manual Steve Barwick

[7] Metcalf 7