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There may be a number of reasons why Cook'n fails to launch on your computer. The new Catalina operating system that Apple released is causing major headaches for Mac users since it is affecting many Mac apps (not just Cook'n). If you are a Mac user with the Catalina operating system and you are experiencing this failure to launch problem, please follow these steps. Otherwise, skip these and follow the 5 steps below:

A drive can be used on any type of computer - PC or Mac. But in order for the computer and drive to communicate with one another, the drive has to be formatted with the correct file system. This article explains about file systems and provides instruction to format a drive on Windows and Mac. Explore the world of Mac. Check out MacBook Pro, iMac Pro, MacBook Air, iMac, and more. Visit the Apple site to learn, buy, and get support.

List of all WD firmware and software available for download. Www.hgst.com Tech Support For Instructions On How To Re Format For Mac Windows 7 Western Digital provides data storage solutions, including systems, HDD, Flash SSD, memory and personal data solutions to help customers capture and preserve their most valued data. The format for the barcode label is as follows: Barcode Symbology type must be Code 128. The FNC3 character followed by string Uppercase L, lowercase n, lowercase k, uppercase B and then the Bluetooth MAC address (12 hex digits, no colons).

  1. Go to System Preferences -> Security & Privacy -> Full Disk Access
  2. Add Cook'n
  3. Launch Cook'n
  4. Note: If this doesn't work, please remove Cook'n from Full Disk Access and add it back again (and, in some cases, you may need to restart your Mac to get these changes to take effect)

If those steps do not fix the problem. Or, if you are using a PC, please follow these steps:

1) Reboot Your Computer

When you launch Cook'n, it first checks to see if Cook'n is already running. If so, it will not launch a second instance otherwise that would cause problems. Sometimes, people don't realize that there is an instance of Cook'n already running. So...let's not make this more difficult than it needs to be. Simply restart your computer and try again.

2) Launch Cook'n with Administrator Privileges

It could be that you are trying to launch Cook'n from a Windows User Account that does not have Administrator privileges. To solve this, simply right click on the Cook'n icon and choose 'Launch as Administrator.'

3) Upgrade Cook'n

Cook'n Version 10 and Version 11 were released 5 or 6 years ago. A lot has happened since then. Microsoft and Apple have both released new versions of their operating system. Cook'n Version 14 is optimized for the newest operating systems. If your old version of Cook'n fails to launch, this might be a good time to consider upgrading. For a limited time, you can click here to upgrade to Cook'n 14. Memberships range in price starting at only $4.95 per month. Annual subscribers qualify to receive the Cook'n 14 upgrade for free (regularly $64)! Monthly subscribers who are subscribed for 5 months or more get the Cook'n 14 upgrade for free too. This is a fantastic deal!

4) Re-Install Cook'n

If you have the latest version of Cook'n and it won't launch, it is possible that your installation of Cook'n has become corrupt. Re-installing Cook'n may fix your problem. One easy way to do this is to click to www.dvo.com and, under step 2, you will see a 'Download Cook'n for PC' button and a 'Download Cook'n for Mac' button. Click one of those two buttons to install Cook'n for free.
If you already have a Cook'n Cloud account, you may need to logout before you find the Cook'n Download button.
Also, please note that if you qualify to use Cook'n 14, then once you have signed-in to your Cook'n Cloud account and re-launched the program, an orange button will appear on your toolbar offering to upgrade you to Cook'n 14 for free.

5) Restore Your Recipes

If you followed all these steps and Cook'n still will not launch on your computer, then there is a real possibility that your recipe database has become corrupt. One way to test to see if this is the reason Cook'n fails to launch on your computer is to rename the Documents/Cook'n12/workspace/data folder ton12

  • Double-click workspace
  • Rename data ton12
  • Double-click workspace
  • Rename data to data-old
  • Launch Cook’n

  • If the app launches successfully, then we know that the launching problem has something to do with your recipe database. The next step is to simply click File->Restore->From Cloud Account to restore your recipes from your Cloud account or click File->Restore->From File System and select a recent/large backup file from the DocumentsCook'n Backups folder.
    | Digital Performer | Thunderbolt / AVB / USB | FireWire / USB | MIDI | Video | Virtual Instruments | General |

    Digital Performer

    Www.hgst.com Tech Support For Instructions On How To Re Format For Mac

    What do I need to know when updating to Digital Performer 9.1?

    <p>As you may have heard, the newly released Digital Performer 9.1 update introduces a number of improvements. One of these improvements is the Next-gen Pre-gen™ engine. While earlier versions of Digital Performer have included the option to render plug-in audio in pre-generation to reduce CPU usage, this feature has been highly optimized in the 9.1 upgrade.<p> <p>It is important to note that not all projects will see substantial benefits from the Next-gen Pre-gen™ engine. For example, a project that deals mostly with audio files will not see any major changes in performance while a project using many VIs and Plug-Ins will. Under certain situations, we have marked substantial performance improvements in version 9.1 compared with version 9.02.<p> <p>What to consider when using the 9.1 update:<p> <p>1. All plugins are set to run in pre-gen by default. If for any reason you want to run a plug-in in real-time, you'll want to do one of the following: a.) Place the effect on an aux track with bussing used to access the effect. Aux track effects are always rendered in real-time. b.) Record enable or monitor enable an audio track for effect plug-ins. c.) Record-enable any MIDI track that targets the instrument for VIs. d.) toggle the 'Run Open Instances of This Plug-In in Real-Time' option in the Mini-Menu of any plug-in window. When this option is checked, all instances of that plug-in will run in real-time when the plug-in window is open. When the plug-in window is closed, the plugin will run in pre-gen mode.<p> <p>2. Compared with previous Digital Performer versions, latency performance has been improved in 9.1. The same buffer setting in 9.02 may affect your system's CPU differently in 9.1. We recommend experimenting with buffer settings to find your system's sweet spot.<p> <p>3. It is possible to adjust the global pre-generation time. This is done from the Setup Menu, Configure Audio System, Configure Studio Settings, Prime Milliseconds. In general, you won't need to worry about changing this setting. However, if you are noticing play-meter red-lining, raising this number may help reduce red-lining.<p> <p>Keep in mind that not all plug-ins can take advantage of Pre-Gen. For example, plug-ins that delegate their processing to external hardware or other processes, such as UAD plug-ins or Vienna Ensemble Pro, can not run in pre-generation mode, and will not benefit from it's increased performance. In practice this is not much of a loss, since external processing will have little influence on the host computer's CPU.<p>

    My interface’s inputs and outputs are not available in Digital Performer.

    <p>This typically happens when the wrong device is selected as the hardware driver. To remedy this, go to Setup>Configure Audio System>Configure Hardware Driver. Select the correct interface in this window and hit ‘OK’. The interface’s IO should now be available in the project. If you don’t see the interface immediately upon opening an input or output selection menu, make sure you check under the ‘New Stereo Bundle’ submenu.</p>

    I can’t activate Digital Performer.

    <p>Make sure your name, email, and keycode are entered. Ensure that there are no extra spaces after the last character of the keycode and that they keycode is entered correctly. If this is the case, then it’s possible one of the necessary files was corrupted during installation. To resolve this, go to Users/Shared/Library/Application Support. Delete the ‘MOTU’ folder in this location, then reinstall DP. Try to authorize again - it should work now.</p> <p>Note: As DP8+ requires an internet connection for authorization, make sure your computer is currently connected to a network. DP7 and prior versions require the install disc to be in the drive during authorization.</p>

    Can I activate Digital Performer 8+ without an internet connection?

    <p>Yes, you can, though you will need to have access to a different computer capable of accessing the internet. See this <a href='http://www.motu.com/techsupport/technotes/offline-auth'>this technote</a> for a complete walkthrough.</p>

    I can’t hear anything when I click on a MIDI note or soundbite.

    <p>First, make sure Audible Mode is enabled. To check this, locate the speaker icon to the right of the counter and make sure it is selected:</p> <img src='https://i.imgur.com/ICfAKiY.png' width='700'> <p>Assuming this icon is selected, then it could be an issue with the project’s output bundles. Go to Studio>Bundles. Select the ‘Outputs’ tab. Audible mode will send audio to the first listed output bundle. Make sure the first listed output bundle is the one that you are monitoring from. </p>

    Can I use multiple audio interfaces in Digital Performer?

    <p>Yes, you can. Go to Setup>Configure Audio System>Configure Hardware Driver. Here, you will see a list of available interfaces. To select more than one simultaneously, hold down the ‘command’ key and click.</p>

    Where can I find video tutorials concerning Digital Performer?

    <p>These can be found <a href='https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhzlTlhATaFHU7yjDsyGUfJvC-CjtB6vf'>here</a>.</p>

    What is the difference between 32-bit and 64-bit operation?

    <p>Digital Performer 8+ can run in either 32-bit or 64 bit mode. 32-bit mode means DP can only access 4GB of RAM, regardless of how much RAM is installed on a computer. Conversely, running in 64-bit mode allows DP to access all of the RAM installed on a computer. By default, DP runs in 64-bit. We highly encourage running DP in 64-bit for optimal performance.</p> <p>To run DP in 32-bit mode, select the DP application in Finder, then go to File>Get Info. Select the checkbox for ‘Open in 32-bit mode’. DP will now run in 32-bit mode until that checkbox is deselected.</p> <p>Note: Digital Performer 7 and older can only run in 32-bit mode.</p>

    I can’t select ‘Direct Hardware Playthrough’ in the Input Monitoring Mode window.

    <p>‘Direct Hardware Playthrough’ is only available when using MOTU CueMix interfaces.</p>

    How do I remove Digital Performer’s preferences on Mac?

    <p>To remove Digital Performer’s preferences, quit Digital Performer. Click the ‘Go’ drop down menu from Finder while holding the ‘option’ key and select ‘Library’. Go to the Preferences folder. Drag the ‘com.motu.DigitalPerformer’ and 'com.motu.MotuAudioSystem' folders to the desktop and run DP (for DP7 and earlier, these folders don't exist - there’ll be one folder named ‘Digital Performer’. Drag this folder to the desktop).</p>

    How do I remove Digital Performer’s preferences on Windows?

    <p>To remove Digital Performer’s preferences, quit Digital Performer. Go to C:UsersUsernameAppData (you will need to type this in manually)LocalMOTUDigital Performer. Drag the ‘Preferences’ folder to the desktop.</p>

    How do I launch Digital Performer with 3rd party plug-ins disabled?

    <p>Hold down the 'option' key while launching DP. A dialog box will come up with a prompt to select a plug-in set. Select 'Safe'.</p>

    How do I launch Digital Performer with the audio system disabled?

    <p>Hold down the ‘shift’ key while launching DP.</p>

    When a specific Digital Performer project is opened, the soundbites display as a solid bar instead of showing the audio waveforms.

    <p>This is typically caused by corrupted analysis files. To resolve the issue, quit DP and open up the project folder in Finder. Within it, there will be a folder called 'Analysis Files'. Delete this folder. This will force DP to re-analyze the audio in the project and display the audio waveforms again.</p>

    The Digital Performer 7 authorization screen keeps coming back blank after entering the correct information and selecting ‘Authorize’.

    <p>Make sure the install disc is in the computer's drive, that DP7 is upgraded to the latest version (v7.24), and then follow the instructions <a href='http://www.motu.com/techsupport/technotes/authlooppermissions'>here</a>.</p>

    When first launched, Digital Performer hangs on the splash screen.

    <p>This can be caused by a bad MIDI driver. Go to /Library/Audio/MIDI Drivers. Temporarily move everything from this folder to the desktop and then try launching DP again. If DP runs correctly, it means one of the MIDI drivers is causing a conflict. To figure out which MIDI driver it is, move them from the desktop back into the ‘MIDI Drivers’ folder one by one, relaunching DP each time. When DP hangs again, suspect the last driver that was moved into the ‘MIDI Drivers’ folder.</p>

    A plug-in that’s installed on my machine isn’t showing up in Digital Performer.

    <p>See this <a href='http://www.motu.com/techsupport/technotes/pluginissuesDP'>technote</a> for in-depth troubleshooting advice.</p>

    Latency is too high.

    <p>While latency is a result of many things, the only ways to directly control it in DP are through the buffer size and sample rate. These can be accessed in Setup>Configure Audio System>Configure Hardware Driver. A higher buffer size will result in increased latency, but it will reduce the strain on the CPU. A lower buffer size will result in lower latency, but puts more strain on the CPU, which means there’s an increased chance of CPU overload or audio dropouts. The opposite is true of sample rate - a higher sample rate provides lower latency and uses more processing power. A lower sample rate incurs higher latency but is easier on the processor.</p>

    I’m experiencing glitches in playback and/or the processing meter is spiking.

    <p>See this <a href='http://www.motu.com/techsupport/technotes/cpuglitchesDP'>technote</a> for in-depth troubleshooting advice.</p>

    What buffer size do you recommend?

    <p>This is highly dependent on the content of the current project and the computer being used. A higher buffer size will result in increased latency, but will reduce the strain on the CPU. A lower buffer size will result in lower latency, but puts more strain on the CPU, which means there’s an increased chance of CPU overload or audio dropouts. If you have a powerful enough computer, it’s possible that you’ll be able to leave the buffer at a lower setting without any performance issues. However, sometimes, depending on the project or computer, this isn’t possible. In this case, we recommend using different buffer sizes for different scenarios:</p> <ul> <li>Recording: Use a small buffer. This will decrease latency. As the smaller buffer increases CPU strain, disable any VI’s/effects that aren’t necessary for recording to avoid CPU overloads and audio glitches.</li> <li>Mixing: Use a large buffer. This will increase latency, but it shouldn’t matter as there’s no recording taking place. Since there’s less strain on the CPU with a larger buffer, all VI’s/effects can be enabled.</li> </ul>

    Are Digital Performer projects cross platform compatible?

    <p>Yes, DP8+ projects are compatible across both Mac and Windows. However, one thing to keep in mind is that AU plug-ins are only compatible on Mac, while VST plug-ins are compatible with Mac and Windows. Therefore, if you’d like your plug-ins to transfer from Mac to Windows with the project, be sure to use VST plug-ins only to ensure a smooth transition.</p> <p>To open an older (DP7 and before) project on Windows, it must first be opened in DP8+ on Mac and saved as a DP8+ project.</p>
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    I can't see my tracks in [insert window] of DP9, but they appear in other windows and I can still hear them. Where did they go?

    <p>The track listing automatically updates according to any text entered in the search field of each window's specific Track Selector, so if there are spaces or text that do not correspond to track names, you will be unable to view your tracks.</p> <p>Open the Track Selector in any window in which your tracks have disappeared via Studio>Track Selector, by clicking the icon in the bottom left corner of the window currently in view, or by using the Track Selector key command (Mac: Command+Shift+T; Win: Ctrl+Shift+T). Place your cursor in the search field at the top of the Track Selector and press delete several times to confirm that there is no text/space in this search field. Your tracks should reappear.</p>

    How do I see the patch names for my external MIDI synth in Digital Performer?

    <p>This can be configured in the Bundles window. Go to Studio>Bundles. Select the ‘MIDI Instruments’ tab. Click ‘Add’ to add a new external device (if you’ve already configured the synth, you can skip this step). In the matrix to the right, select the appropriate box that corresponds to the MIDI interface the device is connected to. Now, select the ‘new external device’ and click ‘Edit’. This will bring up a ‘MIDI Device Properties’ window. Select the appropriate manufacturer and model from the dropdown menu, then exit the window. At this point, you should see the correct patch names for that device in DP.</p>

    Why does the volume fader on my MIDI Tracks and VI's keep jumping all the way up when I hit play?

    <p>This issue is likely being caused because Event Chasing is enabled. Event Chasing scans all points from the start of the sequence through the Wiper's position for any continuous data information, including volume, and automatically adjusts levels at the start of playback.</p> <p>Since a MIDI track's volume is set to 127 by default, DP assumes you want to have the plug-in at full volume when you hit play. This feature is on by default as of DP9. Please go to Setup > Event Chasing and deselect 'Controllers'.</p>

    Thunderbolt / AVB / USB

    How do I update the firmware for my AVB device?

    <p>Steps for updating your firmware can be found <a href='http://motu.com/avb/avb-firmware-updates'>here</a>.</p>

    Where can I find video tutorials concerning MOTU AVB devices?

    <p>These can be found <a href='https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhzlTlhATaFFjQOB2epwnHwV-ZS6S3Xj_'>here</a>.</P

    I'm having trouble understanding the routing matrix.

    <p>An in-depth walkthrough of AVB routing can be found <a href='http://www.motu.com/techsupport/technotes/avbrouting'>here</a>.</p>

    How do I route between different MOTU AVB interfaces?

    <p>An in-depth walkthrough of AVB routing between multiple interfaces can be found <a href='http://www.motu.com/techsupport/technotes/routingtwoavbdevices'>here</a>.</p>

    How do I use my MOTU AVB device as a Mac audio interface over AVB Ethernet?

    <p>An in-depth walkthrough of this procedure can be found <a href='http://www.motu.com/techsupport/technotes/interfaceviaethernet'>here</a>.</p>

    How can I monitor incoming signal and hear DAW playback at the same time?

    <p>To do this, you'll need to use the AVB Mixer. For example, let's say there’s signal coming in on 'Mic 1' that you'd like to monitor with no latency and that the signal from the DAW is coming in on 'From Computer 1-2'. In the Routing screen, route 'Mic 1' to 'Mix In 1' and 'From Computer 1-2' to 'Mix In 2-3'. This sends both signals into the Mixer. Now, access the Mixing screen. Here, make sure that the volume is up for 'Mic 1', 'From Computer 1-2', and 'Main Mix', and that these channel strips are unmuted. This combines both signals into one stereo signal. Now, head back to the Routing screen. Route 'Main L-Main R' (under Mix Main on the top of the screen) to whatever output you’re monitoring through (‘Phones 1-2’, ‘Main L-Main R’, etc). This sends the combined stereo signal to the monitored outputs.</p>

    What kind of Phoenix Connectors do I need for my MOTU 24Ai or 24Ao?

    <p>The Phoenix connector type needed for the 24Ai and 24Ao is a 12-position terminal block plug with a pitch of 3.5mm. The online catalog part name is MC 1,5/12-ST-3,5. The manufacturer’s part number is 1840463.</p>

    When I have a Stage-B16 or UltraLite AVB connected to an AVB Switch, the 1Gbit light doesn't come on. Why is this?

    The Stage-B16 and UltraLite AVB are 100Mbit devices, not 1Gbit devices. Because of this, the 1Gbit indicator on an AVB Switch won't light up when either of these devices are connected.

    FireWire / USB

    My 8pre is experiencing static/glitches on one side of the Main Outs.

    <p>This issue is typically resolved by performing a factory default on the unit. To do so:</p> <p>Disconnect the unit from the computer. Hold in the Volume knob for 5 seconds. You should first see the clock light blink, then the first LED for Analog input 1 or 2, then a 'D?' on the LED panel. Turn the Volume knob to the right until the LED display reads 'OK'. Unit is reset.</p> <p>If the factory default isn't working, it means the unit's firmware is not up to date. You'll need to update the firmware on the unit, then run the instructions above. The firmware updater can be downloaded through the link below:</p> <p>http://cdn-data.motu.com/downloads/audio/8pre103_mac.zip</p> <p>Connect the 8pre to the computer and turn it on, then open the firmware updater program and follow the on-screen instructions to install the update.</p>

    My DAW audio is being sent to ‘Output 1-2’, but it isn’t coming out of Analog 1-2 on the interface.

    <p>On MOTU interfaces, the first output pair (Output 1-2 in your DAW) typically corresponds to ‘Main Outs 1-2’. Therefore, the next output pair (Output 3-4 in your DAW) corresponds to ‘Analog 1-2’. We have a list of each interfaces channel listing <a href='http://www.motu.com/techsupport/technotes/channellisting'>here</a>. Please reference this to determine which outputs in your DAW correspond to which outputs on your interface.</p>

    How can I control my computer audio with CueMix?

    <p>This can be achieved by using a SPDIF loop as described <a href='http://www.motu.com/techsupport/technotes/spdifloop'>here</a>.</p>

    How do I setup an optical expansion using my MOTU FW/USB unit?

    <p>An optical expansion walkthrough can be found <a href='http://www.motu.com/techsupport/technotes/tt_opticalexpansion/view?searchterm=optical%20expansion'>here</a>.</p>

    Can I use my MOTU hardware with an Apple FireWire to Thunderbolt adapter?

    <p>While Apple FireWire to Thunderbolt adapters are not officially supported, our customers have had great success with using these adapters to connect MOTU firewire devices to newer Mac’s. When using a firewire to thunderbolt adapter, make sure to connect your device to an external power source to ensure proper operation.</p>

    What kind of fuse does my MOTU hardware use?

    <p>See this <a href ='http://www.motu.com/techsupport/technotes/what-kind-of-fuse-does-my-motu-hardware-use'>technote.</p>

    What does the ‘Enable Core Audio Volume Controls’ in MOTU Audio Setup do?

    <p>Enabling core audio volume controls allows you to control the output volume of a MOTU interface through the computer’s volume controls. Please note that if this is enabled and you have your computer audio muted, the audio interface will be muted.</p>

    When I connect my MicroBook IIc via USB-to-lightning, why does my iOS device tell me “the attached accessory uses too much power”?

    <p>The MicroBook IIc has two types of USB ports: a standard type-B USB port, and a Micro USB port. For proper connectivity to an iOS device, the MicroBook IIc must simultaneously be connected to a DC power supply via Micro USB cable, and your iOS device via USB type-B cable to a certified Apple USB-to-lightning adapter.</p>


    My MIDI device is duplicated in Audio MIDI Setup every time I power it off and on again.

    <p>This issue is typically caused by a dead battery in the unit. The battery lets the unit save settings and helps the computer recognize the device. If the battery is dead, the computer thinks it's a different unit, hence the duplicate missing devices in Audio MIDI Setup. In this case, replace the battery. To do so, take the screws out of the top of the unit, then take the top casing off. You will see a small, circular battery inside (the kind typically found in watches). The battery part number is on the battery. Replace this and then test - the issue should be resolved.</p>

    Clockworks doesn’t show my MIDI Express 128 or MicroLite as being connected.

    <p>The MIDI Express 128 and MicroLite are not compatible with Clockworks. These devices need to be used in tandem with software such as a DAW to configure routing and other settings.</p>

    My MIDI Express 128 or MicroLite aren’t routing incoming signals to their outputs.

    <p>The MIDI Express 128 or MicroLite don’t support internal routing. You’ll need to use these devices in tandem with suitable software (such as a most popular DAW’s) that supports MIDI routing.</p>

    I’ve booted my MIDI Express XT or MicroExpress in firmware update mode, but the firmware updater still doesn’t see it.

    <p>Only the newest hardware models are compatible with the firmware updater. MIDI Express XT’s that have a serial starting with ‘MXT’ and MicroExpress’s that have a serial number starting with ‘ME’ are compatible with the firmware updater. MIDI Express XT’s that have a serial starting with ‘MEXT’ or ‘MXXTU’ and MicroExpress’s that have a serial number starting with ‘MCEX’ or ‘MICROU’ are not compatible with the firmware updater.</p>

    How do I convert incoming MIDI Timecode to SMPTE Timecode using the MIDI Express XT or MicroExpress?

    <p>Both the MOTU MIDI Express XT and Micro Express units can convert incoming MIDI timecode (MTC) to SMPTE timecode (LTC). You can easily configure this in the ClockWorks utility software.</p> <p>Click on the Routings tab in ClockWorks. By default, you'll see two lines already drawn, one from the MTC icon on the left to the Computer icon on the right, and another from the Pedal icon on the left to both the Computer icon and all MIDI port icons on the right (both are shown as blue lines).</p> <p>Draw a connection from the MIDI Port on the left that is receiving MTC, Port 1 in this case, to the 'MTC' icon on the right (showing by the green line). Then, set the clock mode to 'MTC.' Now, once you transmit MTC, the interface will lock to the incoming timecode and concurrently begin striping LTC. You will see the timecode read-out in ClockWorks.</p>

    My MIDI interface isn’t being detected/functioning properly.

    <p>There are a couple of likely culprits for this:</p> <ul> <li>In case it’s a driver issue, go to /Library/Audio/MIDI Drivers. Delete ‘MOTU MIDI Driver.plugin’. Go to MOTU Downloads and download the latest driver, then reinstall. </li> <li>The preferences of Apple’s Audio MIDI Setup sometimes become corrupted. This can cause issues with connected MIDI interfaces. Try deleting Audio MIDI Setup’s preferences. To do so, quit Audio MIDI Setup. Click the ‘Go’ drop down menu from Finder while holding option and select the library. Go to the preferences folder. Delete the file named 'com.apple.audio.AudioMIDISetup.plist'.</li> <li>Configurations in Audio MIDI Setup can also be corrupted. If you’re having trouble with a MOTU MIDI device in Audio MIDI Setup, try creating a new configuration.</li> <li>If the device isn’t showing up in Audio MIDI Setup, try scrolling left/right and up/down - sometimes Audio MIDI Setup will place a device off screen. </li> </ul>


    My MOTU video interface is not being detected on a Mac OS X 10.10+ machine.

    <p>MOTU video interfaces are currently only compatible up to 10.9.5.</p>

    Virtual Instruments

    What location should my soundbanks be in?

    <p><u>Mac</u></p> <ul> <li>BPM 1.5 - Startup Drive (Mac HD)/Library/Application Support/MOTU/BPM*</li> <li>Ethno 2 - Startup Drive (Mac HD)/Library/Application Support/MOTU/Ethno</li> <li>Electric Keys - Startup Drive (Mac HD)/Library/Application Support/MOTU/Electric Keys</li> <li>MachFive 3 - Startup Drive (Mac HD)/Library/Application Support/UVISoundBanks**</li> </ul> <p><u>Windows</u></p> <ul> <li>BPM 1.5 - Startup Drive (C:)Program FilesMOTUBPM*</li> <li>Ethno 2 - Startup Drive (C:)Program FilesMOTUEthno</li> <li>Electric Keys - Startup Drive (C:)Program FilesMOTUElectric Keys</li> <li>MachFive 3 - Startup Drive (C:)Program FilesUVISoundBanks**</li> </ul> <p>*Beat Box Anthology.ufs must go in the UVISoundBanks folder:</p> <ul> <li>Mac: Startup Drive (Mac HD)/Library/Application Support/UVISoundBanks</li> <li>Windows: Startup Drive (C:)Program FilesUVISoundBanks</li> </ul> <p>**MachFive 3 soundbanks can be located anywhere. To make sure MachFive 3 finds them, go to Preferences>Soundbanks. In the ‘Search Path’ Column, add the correct path to the soundbanks. The next MachFive is opened, it will automatically search this location and load any soundbanks present there.</p>

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    Can my soundbanks be on an external drive?

    <p>Yes, soundbanks can be placed on an external drive. However, an alias/shortcut to the soundbank still needs to be placed in the correct location* (see above). To create an alias/shortcut, right-click the soundbank and select Create Alias/Create Shortcut. Then, drag the alias/shortcut to the correct location on the startup drive. Now, change the name of the alias/shortcut to match the original soundbank name exactly. If there are any extra words, characters, spaces, etc., the link will be broken.</p> <p>*MachFive 3 soundbanks can be located anywhere without using an alias/shortcut. To make sure MachFive 3 finds them, go to Preferences>Soundbanks. In the ‘Search Path’ Column, add the correct path to the soundbanks. The next MachFive is opened, it will automatically search this location and load any soundbanks present there.</p>

    Are MOTU instrument installers and soundbanks available for download?

    <p>Yes, the latest versions are available on the MOTU <a href='http://www.motu.com/download'>downloads</a> page.</p>

    My iLok is broken/missing.

    <p>Fill out an iLok RMA at the <a href='http://www.ilok.com/'>iLok</a> website. Once iLok has processed the RMA, they will let us know, at which point we will deposit replacement licenses to your iLok account.</p>

    How do I redeem my iLok license code?

    <p>See full instructions <a href='http://www.motu.com/techsupport/technotes/redeemlicensecode'>here</a>.</p>

    MSI isn’t functioning properly on my system.

    <p>Symphonic Instruments is not officially compatible with Mac OS’s past 10.8. Also, it is 32 bit only. As such, you may run into some trouble with the program (graphic glitches being a common symptom).We recommend checking out the MSI 64 bit library. It is a free library for MSI owners that contains all of MSI's sounds. It can be run within UVI Workstation (a free virtual instrument) or MachFive 3. This will be compatible with your operating system. If you would like to use the 64bit library, please follow the instructions <a href='http://www.motu.com/techsupport/technotes/MSI64'>here</a>.</p>

    I’m getting a ‘Fatal Error’ when launching my MOTU virtual instrument.

    <p>This means the instrument version is out of date for that operating system. Go to the MOTU <a href='http://www.motu.com/download'>downloads</a> page - download and install the latest version of the virtual instrument in question.</p>

    My UVI soundbank won’t load in MachFive 3.

    Www.hgst.com Tech Support For Instructions On How To Re Format For Mac Windows 10

    <p>UVI has recently updated their soundbank format. It is no longer compatible with MachFive 3. If you downloaded a new version of Beat Box Anthology or X-Treme FX from the UVI website, please note these will be incompatible as well. We have compatible versions of both of these soundbanks available from our <a href='http://www.motu.com/download'>downloads</a> page.</p>

    Why am I not hearing any Indian Legato Instruments in Ethno Instrument 2 or MachFive 3?

    <p>This is an issue the MOTU Team is currently aware of and looking into. For the time being, there are two viable workarounds:</p> <p>1.) Download the latest version of UVI Workstation from UVI.net. This is a free VI plug­in offered in both AU and VST format that is capable of loading MOTU’s .ufs sample libraries. Double­-click the Browser to locate and load your MOTU sounds.</p> <p>2.) In MachFive 3, load an Indian Legato patch and click the Tree menu. Disable the “Layer Rules” option under the Legato header. You should now be able to trigger the patches properly within MF3.</p>

    MachFive 3 in Ableton Live (Windows) isn't receiving text data from my QWERTY keyboard.

    <p>This can usually be fixed by implementing an Options.txt file with Live. You can read about this <a href='https://www.ableton.com/en/help/article/optionstxt-file-live/'>here</a>. The option that you need to use is:</p> <p>-_EnsureKeyMessagesForPlugins</p> <p>Note that the hyphen and underscore must be used.</p>


    I'm hearing clicks and pops when using my USB Audio Interface on Windows.

    <p>Take a look at our <a href='https://www.google.com/url?q=https://motu.com/techsupport/technotes/troubleshooting-windows-audio&sa=D&source=hangouts&ust=1584644595921000&usg=AFQjCNECSKTDiR6obC2T23jlY4iw3mvdOA'>Windows USB Audio Interface Troubleshooting Guide</a>. </p>

    How do I perform a factory default on my unit?

    <p>Instructions for all units can be found <a href='http://www.motu.com/techsupport/technotes/reset'>here</a>. </p>

    How do I complete a driver repair on Windows?

    <p>1. Disconnect any MOTU hardware from your computer.<br> 2. Go to Control Panel > Programs > Programs and Features.<br> 3. Right-click on 'MOTU Hardware' and select 'Change'.<br> 4. In the MOTU Hardware Setup window that comes up, click 'Next' and then 'Repair'.<br> 5. Restart your computer and reconnect your MOTU hardware. </p>

    My unit is no longer detected by the computer.

    <p>If your unit is no longer being detected by the computer, here are some suggestions to determine the issue. First, reinstall the latest drivers that are compatible with your system. Then, swap out the cable you are using to connect the unit to the computer with a new one. Test different ports on this computer, if available. Finally, if the unit still isn’t being detected, test the unit on another computer with the correct drivers installed. If the unit isn’t detected on a separate machine, it’s likely there’s a hardware malfunction. In this case, please contact MOTU Tech Support at 617-576-3066, Monday-Friday, 9am-6pm EST, to set up a replacement.</p>

    Can the preamps on my MOTU interface be disabled?

    <p>No, they can’t. As such, it’s best to only use inputs with preamps for instrument/mic level signals.</p>

    Where can I find old drivers?

    <p>Old drivers for all MOTU products can be found <a href='http://www.motu.com/techsupport/technotes/driverlog'>here</a>. </p>

    Where can I find old firmware updaters/files?

    <p>Old firmware updaters/files for all units can be found <a href='http://www.motu.com/techsupport/technotes/firmwarechangelog'>here</a>. </p>

    What is MOTU’s repair policy?

    <p>If the unit was purchased new within the last two years, it is covered by our warranty. If this is the case, please be ready to email the original purchase invoice to the technician you speak with. For warranty repairs/replacements customers are responsible for shipping costs to MOTU, and MOTU will pay return shipping to customers.</p> <p>If the unit was not purchased new within the last two years, there will be a $99.95 flat fee for the repair/replacement. For non-warrantied products, the customer is responsible for all shipping costs to and from MOTU. We accept Visa and MasterCard. Please contact MOTU Technical Support at (617) ­576-­3066, Monday - Friday, 9am­ - 6pm EST, to set up the repair/replacement. If you live outside of the U.S. or Canada, we recommend contacting your <a href='http://www.motu.com/other/distributors.html'>local distributor</a> first. Please be aware that any local customs charges (duties and taxes) will not be paid by MOTU.

    What are the dimensions of my MOTU interface?

    <p><b>Half Rack Units</b>: 1.75' x 8.625' x 7'</p> <p><b>Single Rack Units</b>: 1.75' x 19' x 7'</p> <p><b>Double Rack Units</b>: 3' x 19' x 7'</p> <p><b>MicroBook II/MicroBook IIc</b>: 5.5' x 3.625' x 1.25'</p> <p><b>Track16</b>: 1.125' x 8.75' x 5'</p> <p><b>Traveler/Traveler-mk3</b>: 1.75' x 19' x 9'</p> <p><i>Note: The width measurements (second dimension) include the added length of removable rack ears, which increase the width of the interface by 2'.</i></p>