Star Wars Turbolaser Turret

  1. Star Wars Turbolaser Turret Blaster
  2. Star Wars X Wing Miniatures Turbolaser Turrets
  3. Star Wars Turbolaser Turret Droid
  4. Star Wars Turbolaser Turret Han Solo

Jan 02, 2018 Star Wars XX-9 Turbolaser Cannons This mod contains Taim and Bak XX-9 turbolasers as seen in Episode IV on the Death Star. The turrets have functioning barrel recoil and barrel explosion effects. These turbolasers were also placed on Darth Vader's Imperial 1 flagship, the Star Destroyer Devestator. 1 Card Text 2 Attributes 3 Available Through 4 Timing 'While attacking, the defenseeffect cannot reduce the damage total by more than 1 unless it is the only defense token spent by the defender during the attack.' Turbolaser Upgrade Card 6 points Imperial-class Star Destroyer Expansion Pack Upgrade Card Collection (new card size) (x2) The effect of this Upgrade Card triggers during Attack Step.

Special thanks are due to, alphabetically:

  • Peter Briggs for the use of his digital camera, directions to Bradford, accommodation and numerous other forms of support during my stay in the UK.
  • Elwyn Chow for his extensive photo-survey of the props at the Barbican.


various views of the starboard side

Nearly complete views of the dorsal and ventral surfaces, exploiting the mirror reflection. The backs of the tower and the dorsal terraces are visible. Of potential photogrammetric interest is the seam between the two mirror panels, and its shadow on the underside of the ship (due to the camera flash).

Distant portside view of the object and reflection, showing representatives of most of the major forward and lateral surfaces. Several edges of the mirror are visible: key reference axes for future photogrammetry.

Close-up of the bridge tower. The linear array between the scanner globes was modified for TESB; it was in a more upright position in ANH.

Starboard side of Devastator, viewed towards the brim trench. A quad cannon is visible in the minor brim notch. The starboard side is the side with two tabs on the ventral hull; there is only one tab on the port side. This is an important asymmetry of the vessel, and it may have some (as yet unknown) functional importance.

Reflection of the ventral surface, as seen from a position off starboard bow. A rectangular aperture is visible in the roof of the secondary docking bay cavity.

Starboard side of the destroyer, sighting towards the dorsal terraces from a high vantage.

Close-up view of the starboard side of the prow. A few of the features of the brim trench are identifiable.

Close-up of the starboard side of the dorsal terraces. Unlike the star destroyer Avenger in TESB, the terraces of Devastator appear to be as heavily armoured on the vertical sides as the tops.

Distant portside view of the object and reflection, showing representatives of most of the major forward and lateral surfaces.

various views of the port side

Wide view of the port side, aft half of the ship, including the entire complex of terraces, the bridge tower, and the portside heavy turrets (three turbolaser turrets at the front; one ion cannon turret at back).

Overview of the base mirror, the display case and surroundings. There are several orders of reflections of the ship through the vertical surfaces of the case, and even some reflections of the floor tiles. These could be useful for spatial reference.

Somewhat blurred view of the port side of the dorsal terraces, and the front and port sides of the bridge module.

Whole-ship view of the port side. Regularly sized lumps inthe brim trench are conspicuous; each of them may be an installation for point-defence guns.

Nearly complete view of the ship from the port side.

brim trench, port side

Direct view of portside brim trench near the minor brim notch and its quad cannon.

Direct view of the port side of the prow, in the approximately the plane of the brim trench.

Direct view of the ports side in the brim trench, centred on the primary docking bay area.

Detailed view of the dorsal surfaces around the docking facilities, in the reflection. The rectangular aperture in the roof of the secondary docking bay is on the starboard side of the ship.

the stern

View of the stern, dorsal terraces and the neck of the bridge tower, seen from a position substantially above the plane of the brim.

View of the stern and back end of the bridge tower and terraces, with all major corners visible for both the object and the reflection. None of the ship's important axes is aligned with the edges of the mirror or the display case, as is clearly noticeable in the relationship between the reflection and its background.

The stern, terraces and tower, viewed from a low angle relative to the plane of the brim. For purposes of measurement, this photo has value similar to the one above. Indeed they might even be used as a stereoscopic pair.

Direct view of the stern, particularly the mechanisms surrounding the sublight drives.



A shot of the bow of the Devastator, slightly out of foucs. Note how the ventral hull extends further forward than the dorsal hull.

Close-up of the region around the larger notches in the brim. Two of the three large guns on the dorsal ridge are visible at the top-right. The forward part of the primary docking bay is visible at the lower-right. There are several rectangular units in the brim, with two holes each; perhaps they are the standard-sized brim laser cannons?

Another side view of the brim, concentrating on the region near the primary docking bay and the first dorsal terrace (right).

A region of the portside brim including the minor notch and the quad cannon mounted within it. One of the heavy dorsal turbolaser turrets is visible in the top-right. The ventral bulb (surrounding the protrusion of the sphere of the main reactor) is partly visible in the lower right.

Middle and aft end of the portside bank of heavy turrets. Turbolaser turrets on the left; the last turret on the right is the ion cannon. At some point a few barrels have been knocked off the turbolaser turrets; they should have two per turret.

Star Destroyers
STAR WARS Technical Commentaries
Curtis Saxton home page Original content is © copyright Dr Curtis Saxton 2001.
Online since 8 April 2001.
Last updated 15 April 2001.
Star Wars Turbolaser Turret

This page was constructed and is maintained by Curtis Saxton.
This page is neither affiliated with nor endorsed by Lucasfilm Ltd.
Images from the NMPFT exhibition, within and linked from this page, are © copyright Curtis Saxton 2001.
Images from the Barbican exhibition, within and linked from this page, are © copyright Elwyn Chow 2000.
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Consular-class War Cruiser
Years later, the Republic's Consular-class diplomatic cruisers would be modified for use in the Clone Wars. This earlier variation, commonly known as the 'Consular-class War Cruiser,' pre-dates the Clone Wars era model by a hundred years, appearing most notably in the Stark Hyperspace War. Also unlike the later model, the additional weaponry and strengthened shielding on the Consular-class War Cruiser are improvised, after-market modifications from an era of budget cuts for the Judicial Forces. While there was no 'standard' model of these refurbished Consular-class cruisers, the statistics below represent the most common modifications to the ship:
Length: 119 meters
Max. Acceleration: 2,040 G
Max. Speed (atmosphere): 900 kph
Hyperdrive Rating: Class 2.0
■ 5 Dual Light Turbolaser Turrets
■ 1 Dual Blaster Cannon (forward-facing)
■ Detachable salon pod (often converted into a weapons and ammunition cache to be dropped onto battlefields)
■ 2 escape pods
Crew: 15
■ 1 Captain
■ 1 Pilot
■ 2 Co-Pilots
■ 1 Navigator Turret
■ 1 Communications Officer
■ 3 Technicians
■ 5 Gunners
■ 1 Weapons Specialist

Star Wars Turbolaser Turret Blaster

Passengers: 16
Consumables: 4 months
■ ■ ■

Republic Light Assault Cruiser
A heavily-modified version of the Consular-class cruiser, the Republic Light Assault Cruiser was a warship in its own right. These modifications were made solely at the Corellian Engineering Corporation's shipyard at Eriadu at the urging of militarists in Eriadu's government. A common sight in the Seswenna Sector branch of the Judicial Forces (and later, in Ranulph Tarkin's ill-fated 'Outland Regions Security Force'), the Republic Light Assault Cruiser came to see use elsewhere in the Judicial Forces and by the Jedi Order.
Length: 122 meters
Max. Acceleration: 2,500 G
Max. Speed (atmosphere): 990 kph
Hyperdrive Rating: Class 2
■ 2 Dual Medium Turbolaser Turrets
■ 1 Heavy Turbolaser (forward-facing)
■ 1 Dual Blaster Cannon (forward-facing)
■ 10 Point-Defense Laser Cannons
■ 'Battle Pods' w/ 2 Quad Laser Cannons (some models)
■ Escape Pods
■ 10 Evac Pods
Crew: 22

Star Wars X Wing Miniatures Turbolaser Turrets

Passengers: 12
Consumables: 4 months
■ ■ ■

Sundered Veil-class Corvette
Although it is named after one of the great battles of Republic Navy history, the Sundered Veil-class Corvette was, in fact, conceived by Rendili StarDrive as the ideal ship for the post-Ruusan era of 'smaller ships for smaller conflicts.' The principles of the Ruusan Reformations are evident in its design: a lightly-armed ship even by the standards of its day (often out-classed by Planetary Defense Forces), the Sundered Veil-class corvette was good for 'making an appearance' in would-be trouble spots in the galaxy, but not much else. In fact, the inadequacies of the Sundered Veil-class were pointed to by supporters of the much larger and more heavily-armed Dreadnaught-class Heavy Cruiser, introduced only ten years later.
The Sundered Veil-class Corvette quickly fell out of use and is one of comparatively few Old Republic ships to not survive to the Imperial era.
Length: 290 meters
Max. Acceleration: 3,100 G

Star Wars Turbolaser Turret Droid

Max. Speed (atmosphere): ~1,000 kph
Hyperdrive Rating: Class 2
■ 14 Dual Medium Turbolaser Turrets

Star Wars Turbolaser Turret Han Solo

■ 2 Dual Concussion Missile Launchers (w/ 12 missiles each) Turret
Star Wars Turbolaser Turret ■ 1 military-grade tractor beam array
■ 12 starfighters (usually Cloakshapes or A-6 Interceptors)
■ 2 gunships (originally Caulbon-class Gunships, later BT-7 Thunderclaps and PB-950 Patrol Boats)
Crew: 145
Passengers: 60
Consumables: 8 months
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Caulbon-class Gunship
The Sundered Veil contract with Rendili StarDrive also included the Caulbon-class Gunship. More accurately an armored fast-transport, the Caulbon-class was a shuttle-sized transport favored by diplomats and Jedi Knights for its speed and durability. Built for the role that was eventually filled, much later, by the Skipray Blastboat, this lightly-armed ship, though useful as a troop transport, never quite found a home in the Judicial Forces in an era when ground battles were few and far between. Good for navigating through swarms of droid starfighters, the Caulbon-class was later used successfully by Nebula Front terrorists and is still occasionally seen as a civilian transport on the Outer Rim.
Length: 8.5 meters
Max. Speed (atmosphere): 1,300 kph Star Wars Turbolaser Turret
Hyperdrive Rating: Class 2
■ 2 Dual Laser Cannons (retractable)
■ 1 Dual Light Turbolaser Turret (180º firing arc to port to deter pursuing ships)
■ 1 military-grade tractor beam array
Complement: None
Crew: 3
■ 1 Pilot
■ 1 Co-Pilot
■ 1 Gunner
Passengers: 6
Consumables: 3 weeks

Admiral Grey Spenser
Commandant of the Judicial Forces